Sunday, June 3, 2012


oh no! I've changed email addresses and life plans and shit and now Google's all like 'WHAAA' and I can't really use this account any more. Mofos.

So. I'm gonna make another account on some trendy website and use it to share playlists and comments and vintage Instagrams of the back of my head with unrelated yet inspirational quotes in Helvetica across the middle.


Now, go be cool! I'm gonna.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Year(s) of Badassery

Obviously, the evidence of my 2011 badassery is absolutely overwhelming this whole blog, so I won't even recap.


Mm. Well, onto new goals, which we always swear to stick to more than last year anyway. This year I'm going to give myself more credit. Selfish azzzz, but sometimes that is required, seeing as I'm the only one that is me, and so am the only one I can count on to give myself credit, and seeing as we all need credit and praise, I should really give myself some loving. Additionally, I'm sticking with this badassery lark, because I really enjoyed it and if I'm honest to myself, feel like I completed it a bit.

This is a year of turning 21, and doing shows in other cities, and going to gigs, and taking photos and growing.

Bet you super super wanted to know all that huh! What's your year all about?

Here you go, a present in return for your readership! Go to the shop and flourish, you lovely person. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"I'm so angry I made a sign"

Occupy Wall Street continues...
I know much less about it than I wish I did, but I do think its important to keep questioning personal motives, to keep double checking for our own hypocrisy, even as we call others out on theirs. The article below raises the question of where the bottom 5% are, while perhaps the upper half of the 99% protest. Maybe it should be the protest of the very poorest as much as, if not more than, it is the protest of the poorer-than-the-very-richest.
Read it. (Especially if you're a Tupac fan, she cranks the lyrics!)

"Rap and Wall Street" by Catherine Morrisey-Ribeiro

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



Monday, October 17, 2011

Jae Rhim Lee: My mushroom burial suit | Video on

Jae Rhim Lee: My mushroom burial suit | Video on

Jae Rhim Lee, proposing "unorthodox relationships between the mind/body/self and the built and natural environment." Heeheee.

Monday, October 3, 2011

on beauty.

this dude is great.

but we've all gotta be aware that we're each only one person, with only one point of view. and the way we experience the world is our way, no better and no worse than anyone else's. Only WE should decide to change it or expand it, or examine it.
The principle of charity is a philosophical tool where one approaches a text only with the aim to read the text as it was intended to be read-not with hostility, or preconception, but charity. So easy to flippin helpful to remember.

Friday, June 10, 2011


I'm all excited about stuff that is NEW. People, and free time, and sleep, and music, and ideas, and stuff to do...oh man. Discovery. Thanking you.
Picture by the incredible, yet only post-humously discovered, street photographer Vivian Maier. Her photographs are so clear.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Last Post- Derek K Miller

Here it is. I'm dead, and this is my last post to my blog. In advance, I asked that once my body finally shut down from the punishments of my cancer, then my family and friends publish this prepared message I wrote—the first part of the process of turning this from an active website to an archive.

If you knew me at all in real life, you probably heard the news already from another source, but however you found out, consider this a confirmation: I was born on June 30, 1969 in Vancouver, Canada, and I died in Burnaby on May 3, 2011, age 41, of complications from stage 4 metastatic colorectal cancer. We all knew this was coming.

That includes my family and friends, and my parents Hilkka and Juergen Karl. My daughters Lauren, age 11, and Marina, who's 13, have known as much as we could tell them since I first found I had cancer. It's become part of their lives, alas.


Of course it includes my wife Airdrie (née Hislop). Both born in Metro Vancouver, we graduated from different high schools in 1986 and studied Biology at UBC, where we met in '88. At a summer job working as park naturalists that year, I flipped the canoe Air and I were paddling and we had to push it to shore.

We shared some classes, then lost touch. But a few years later, in 1994, I was still working on campus. Airdrie spotted my name and wrote me a letter—yes! paper!—and eventually (I was trying to be a full-time musician, so chaos was about) I wrote her back. From such seeds a garden blooms: it was March '94, and by August '95 we were married.

I have never had second thoughts, because we have always been good together, through worse and bad and good and great.

However, I didn't think our time together would be so short: 23 years from our first meeting (at Kanaka Creek Regional Park, I'm pretty sure) until I died? Not enough. Not nearly enough.

What was at the end

I haven't gone to a better place, or a worse one. I haven't gone anyplace, because Derekdoesn't exist anymore. As soon as my body stopped functioning, and the neurons in my brain ceased firing, I made a remarkable transformation: from a living organism to a corpse, like a flower or a mouse that didn't make it through a particularly frosty night. The evidence is clear that once I died, it was over.

So I was unafraid of death—of the moment itself—and of what came afterwards, which was (and is) nothing. As I did all along, I remained somewhat afraid of the process of dying, of increasing weakness and fatigue, of pain, of becoming less and less of myself as I got there. I was lucky that my mental faculties were mostly unaffected over the months and years before the end, and there was no sign of cancer in my brain—as far as I or anyone else knew.

As a kid, when I first learned enough subtraction, I figured out how old I would be in the momentous year 2000. The answer was 31, which seemed pretty old. Indeed, by the time I was 31 I was married and had two daughters, and I was working as a technical writer and web guy in the computer industry. Pretty grown up, I guess.

Yet there was much more to come. I had yet to start this blog, which recently turned 10 years old. I wasn't yet back playing drums with my band, nor was I a podcaster (since there was no podcasting, nor an iPod for that matter). In techie land, Google was fresh and new, Apple remained "beleaguered," Microsoft was large and in charge, and Facebook and Twitter were several years from existing at all. The Mars rovers Spirit andOpportunity were three years away from launch, while the Cassini-Huygens probe was not quite half-way to Saturn. The human genome hadn't quite been mapped yet.

The World Trade Center towers still stood in New York City. Jean Chrétien remained rime Minister of Canada, Bill Clinton President of the U.S.A., and Tony Blair Prime Minister of the U.K.—while Saddam Hussein, Hosni Mubarak, Kim Jong-Il, Ben Ali, and Moammar Qaddafi held power in Iraq, Egypt, North Korea, Tunisia, and Libya.

In my family in 2000, my cousin wouldn't have a baby for another four years. My other cousin was early in her relationship with the man who is now her husband. Sonia, with whom my mother had been lifelong friends (ever since they were both nine), was still alive. So was my Oma, my father's mom, who was then 90 years old. Neither my wife nor I had ever needed long-term hospitalization—not yet. Neither of our children was out of diapers, let alone taking photographs, writing stories, riding bikes and horses, posting on Facebook, or outgrowing her mother's shoe size. We didn't have a dog.

And I didn't have cancer. I had no idea I would get it, certainly not in the next decade, or that it would kill me.

Missing out

Why do I mention all this stuff? Because I've come to realize that, at any time, I can lament what I will never know, yet still not regret what got me where I am. I could have died in 2000 (at an "old" 31) and been happy with my life: my amazing wife, my great kids, a fun job, and hobbies I enjoyed. But I would have missed out on a lot of things.

And many things will now happen without me. As I wrote this, I hardly knew what most of them could even be. What will the world be like as soon as 2021, or as late as 2060, when I would have been 91, the age my Oma reached? What new will we know? How will countries and people have changed? How will we communicate and move around? Whom will we admire, or despise?

What will my wife Air be doing? My daughters Marina and Lolo? What will they have studied, how will they spend their time and earn a living? Will my kids have children of their own? Grandchildren? Will there be parts of their lives I'd find hard to comprehend right now?

What to know, now that I'm dead

There can't be answers today. While I was still alive writing this, I was sad to know I'll miss these things—not because I won't be able to witness them, but because Air, Marina, and Lauren won't have me there to support their efforts.

It turns out that no one can imagine what's really coming in our lives. We can plan, and do what we enjoy, but we can't expect our plans to work out. Some of them might, while most probably won't. Inventions and ideas will appear, and events will occur, that we could never foresee. That's neither bad nor good, but it is real.

I think and hope that's what my daughters can take from my disease and death. And that my wonderful, amazing wife Airdrie can see too. Not that they could die any day, but that they should pursue what they enjoy, and what stimulates their minds, as much as possible—so they can be ready for opportunities, as well as not disappointed when things go sideways, as they inevitably do.

I've also been lucky. I've never had to wonder where my next meal will come from. I've never feared that a foreign army will come in the night with machetes or machine guns to kill or injure my family. I've never had to run for my life (something I could never do now anyway). Sadly, these are things some people have to do every day right now.

A wondrous place

The world, indeed the whole universe, is a beautiful, astonishing, wondrous place. There is always more to find out. I don't look back and regret anything, and I hope my family can find a way to do the same.

What is true is that I loved them. Lauren and Marina, as you mature and become yourselves over the years, know that I loved you and did my best to be a good father.

Airdrie, you were my best friend and my closest connection. I don't know what we'd have been like without each other, but I think the world would be a poorer place. I loved you deeply, I loved you, I loved you, I loved you.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Bars

So. Shock horror, people remain people, even when they are criminals, even when they are imprisoned. The dude who wrote the above calls himself 'X-Ray Robinson' and is in prison in America. He's alive, and thinking, and growing, as are all prisoners. It's so easy to assume that they're just gone...dealt with, done and dusted. I'm not yet sure how I feel about criminals as a general class, but I'm not willing to assume that they're all empty, and I'm not willing to accept that prison is the only, or even best solution to crime.
Between the Bars are aiming to help prisoners create non-criminal identities, to improve prisoner's lives and reduce recidivism. Sounds like a pretty good cause if you ask me.